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Risky Business: Reducing the chance of Employee Theft.

Writer's picture: Frederick Tiess ME, WCMCFrederick Tiess ME, WCMC

As an equal opportunity employer all candidates should go through a screening process regardless of position. Upon successful completion of the initial position review and upon the managers recommendation for employment the candidate will complete the screening process before the first day of employment.

Screening Process

  • Submit candidates name, social security number, and current address to an online employee reference contractor for a background check.

  • Send the candidate to a health service provider to screen for substance abuse and to perform a health care screening to ensure that the employee has the physical capacity to perform the duties.

  • Review the job specific policy and procedure checklist and have the employee sign and initial all expectations.

Front of the House – Servers, Cashier, Hostess

Cash and Credit Card Processing

  • The hostess/ cashier should be accountable for all dining room transactions, transfers and credit.

  • He or she should provide a receipt for every transaction.

  • Servers must ensure the customer signs a copy of the credit card receipt. The shift manager is responsible for setting up cash drawers for the cashier. The cashier will recount the drawer in front of the manager and both should sign the shift log at the beginning and end of business.

  • The cash register drawer should be closed after each transaction. Never leave a register unlocked when not attended. And never leave the register key with a register. Identify each over-ring and under-ring. Managers should sign off all voids and over-rings.

  • Limit the amount of accumulated cash in any register. Use a drop-safe every 30 minutes for all amounts in excess of $200.00

  • Keep tendered bills on the register until the transaction is concluded.

  • Conduct only one transaction at a time.

  • Check for counterfeit currency. Use marker on all bills over $20.00. In the event that a customer leaves without paying, or shortchanges the server, the server must report the theft to the manager immediately. This prevents servers from pocketing cash and blaming the customer.

  • All cash tips must be reported by the server in accordance with federal procedures.

Back of the House- Cooks, Steward, Dishwashers.

  • All orders must be printed on the computerized system. The only verbal food orders that should be allowed are those given by a shift manager.

  • All overcooked, spoiled or damage products must be reported to the line chef as soon as possible.

  • Any personal equipment- knives, utensils etc. must be identified with a personal inscription and stored at the end of your shift in the chefs’ office locker. There is one locked drawer for each cook. A utensil kit, issued at the first date of employment, including a spatula, two tongs, thermometer, 4 kitchen spoons must be secured in the cooks lock box at the end of the shift with all personal equipment. Cooks may not use toolboxes or carry cases to transport personal and restaurant tools to and from work.

  • All broken glassware and dishes must be secured in cardboard boxes for the shift supervisor to inspect at the end of the shift.

Inventory Control and Purchasing

  • A weekly physical inventory of all prime cost items should occur at irregular times and days. Prime cost items include all proteins and alcoholic beverages.

  • The purchasing steward should be responsible to provide to the shift manager all receipts of purchase for review at the end of the delivery window, a set period of time that orders may be received from purveyors. Spot check the steward to ensure that all items have been put away properly. Review the purchase list for the following day to see if multiple items are ordered. Since the steward opens the storeroom with the opening shift supervisor and maintains the storeroom during business hours the evening shift supervisor must receive the steward’s copy of the key and secure it for the following day.

  • In the event that any items are needed from the storage areas during the evening shift the shift manager will obtain the needed items.

  • All prime cost items must be counted at the beginning and ending of each shift. The line chef and bartender are responsible to the shift manager for the accountability of all prime cost items.

  • Doors to storage and supply rooms must be locked at all times that the shift manager or steward are not present.

  • All scheduled visitors and sales representative must enter the restaurant from the front entrance and be escorted to the office.

  • Delivery drivers are not permitted inside of the operation. If they need to use the restroom or see the manager they must be escorted.

  • Since all purchases are produced by a perpetual inventory that is based upon the point of sale system a physical inventory must be completed at the end of each month for all ingredients, small wares, and service wares.

Data Protection

  • Maintain all signed receipts for 90 days in accordance with credit card procedure. File in secure file cabinet on a weekly basis.

  • Cross-shred all potentially sensitive materials including customer receipts after 3 years of storage.

  • Store all purchase agreements in locked file cabinet.

  • Store all receipts of purchase for 3 years in locked file cabinet.

  • All personnel files must be locked in the file cabinet when not being referenced.

  • All file cabinets are to be locked when not in use.

  • All data files must be backed up daily on both the hard drive and through the secure net service. The automated backup of all transactions, purchases, disbursements and credits must be verified at the end of the business day. Once the data is electronically secure an email will be sent to your manager’s account verifying that the data is secure.

Personnel Policies

  • Keep a record of all employee purchases.

  • All employees must have the shift manager perform transactions for sale of items purchased from the restaurant.

  • Shift lockers should be available for all employees. Personal property must be kept in the lockers during working hours. Employee will need to provide a combination lock for locker use and remove it at the end of the shift.

  • Employees should be allowed access to the building during scheduled hours of work through the employee entrance. If the employee would like to visit other employees, or make a purchase from the dining room for any reason he or she must receive permission from the shift supervisor.

  • Breaks may be taken in the exterior smoking are outside. Employees should enter and exit the building using their electronic ID. Employees should be encouraged to take their break in the employee breakroom next to the time clock.

  • All employees must wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds after using the employee bathroom or after returning from a break.

  • Employees must park in the employee parking section only.

Refuse Control

  • Trash remove is to be handled by both of the dishwashers. Trash is be removed at the end of the shift and placed in the locked trash bins located outside. The shift manager should be responsible to monitor the disposal of the trash during closing procedures using the closed circuit recording system.

  • The shift manager must check the lock at the end of the shift and inspect the surrounding area for possible pilfered goods.

  • Recycled containers should be stored away from the trash bin.

  • Compost should be handled with care and according to the municipality regulations.

Bank Deposits, Key Control and Cash Security

  • At the end of the shift the shift manager should be responsible to complete the closing statement and bank deposit form. Once the funds, receipts and form are locked in the bank deposit bag each bag should be locked in the safe located in management office.

  • Safe-drop collection. The safe is a time safe that will allow you to collect the safe-drop collections from the cashier area. The key to access the safe-drop is located inside of the safe. The time that this is be done, safe-drop transfer to secure safe, is between shifts and at the end of the business day. During the transfer time during the day both managers are to escort the deposit to the secure safe. Since only one manager is on duty at the end of the day the building must first be secure then the transfer is to be made with the line chef and the shift manager.

  • At some time of the mid shift – between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm an armored security service should pick up and make the bank deposit. Shift managers should have a master key which secures both the public entrance/ exit, storeroom, managers office and the kitchen /employee entrance/ exit.

  • The secure safe, primary safe, has a personal safe combination which is issued to each shift manager. Access to this safe uses the shift manager electronic id and the combination entry. Giving this card or combination to any person could be grounds for immediate dismissal and possible criminal charges if fraud is committed.

Security Recording Devices

  • Cameras should be strategically located all around the premises and should be monitored from both the managers’ office and security.

  • Ensure that access and egress points have a camera to record who and what is leaving the property.

4/28/22 - Resource Update

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